
Virtual Bevy Meetups

We are closing in on the third-ever virtual Bevy Meetup on April 18th. Time to look back and review why and how it started.


"The goal: Empower everyone in the community to interactively share."

Starting a virtual meetup seemed the natural next step for the growing and maturing community of the Bevy Game Engine: The engine's Discord counts ~19k members and ~33k stars on GitHub.


It just felt like the right time to foster more Bevy-focused conference-style content.

There are plenty of great content creators on Youtube sharing amazing things about Bevy but a Meetup enables more people in the community to get a voice that do not want to start a Youtube or Twitch career.

Hosting and organizing this feels like providing a SaaS that is supposed to reduce the barrier for more folks to be able to talk about their fantastic projects and Bevy-related content, whether this is a game, any visual application or contribution to the ecosystem in any shape or form (crate, tutorial, guide etc.).




Road ahead

More amazing speakers

More interesting content, keeping up a well-filled pipeline, so if you feel like presenting something, reach out! If you are not sure and you want to spitball ideas? Reach out! Do you know someone that we should reach out to? Reach out 😎


Organizing this is fun but also work, work done for free. If you like the format and you want to support it, let's talk! Also to have a fallback and the opportunity to present without moderating at the same time at some point.

In-person conference

The vision is to eventually be able to lift this to the next level and start an in-person BevyCon conference.


Missed anything?